Life will give you obstacles and challenges.
Expect that.
What is on the other side of those obstacles? What is just past the fallen trees on the trail?
I don't know and it doesn't matter.
Let me say that again, as I feel that is it VERY important.
What is on the other side of the obstacles isn't that important; it's certainly not the most important thing.
Want to know what is important in the grand scheme of things? What will you talk about at your end of days?
It's not the reward. It's not what's on the other side of the challenge.
The true value of the challenge is who you become along the path.
It's the experiences you store, and the knowledge you gain that is absolutely vital for your best life.
The two biggest mistakes, that many of us make on our trips around the sun, hold us back from out potential.
The two flaws, or conscience mistakes, that that hold us back are.....
Forgetting to learn and appreciate the journey and getting addicted to the other side of the logs on the trails.
Your best life is right in front of you. Your best life is THE JOURNEY. It is THE CHALLENGES. It's THE LOGS IN THE ROAD.
Living a life by design isn't about the things or the places, but rather it's who you become along the way.
Life. Let's do this. Go.