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Choose Strength

Writer's picture: Rick CopleyRick Copley

When you choose to be strong, and not weak, then you are on the path to success in fitness and success in life.

This fact is indisputable.

Strength and weakness are both choices and I hope that you choose strength.

There is a country music song that I think shares this point very well. It's by Lee Ann Womack and it's called "I Hope You Dance".

Part of the song goes like this:

"Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

I hope you dance..."

You see, it's a choice to sit it out or to dance. It's a choice to give up (weakness) or fight the good fight (strength).

It's always a choice.

It's not always easy but it is a choice. Sometimes it's REALLY hard but this is what builds more strength for the next time.

Choose strength.

When time is tight but you still want to work out. Choose strength and fit in a quick 5 minute workout.

When unexpected bills come up and the gym membership is looking expensive this month choose strength and give something else up.

Always choose strength. Always.

When you are hungry and you just want to go through that fast food window choose strength and go to the supermarket to get a banana and some cheese.

Choose to be strong.

It saddens me every day when I see people choosing weakness. I see it way too much.

"The gym is too hard...."

"I can't afford that..."

"A mile is too far to run..."

"I'm too heavy for these kinds of workouts..."

Weakness is choice. Stop making it.

Don't confuse being strong and choosing strength with athletic performance. Being physically and mentally strong can be different in the beginning.

Choosing strength is trying to pick up the bar that you have never picked up before.

The result doesn't matter; it just doesn't matter. It's the decision to try that is important.

Always choose to be strong.

In the face of adversity you need to develop the habit of fighting to win no matter what. We may fail time and again but true strength is getting back up each time. We learn. We grow. We get stronger.

We choose strength.

The next time you have a decision to make where you can choose strength or weakness I want you to remember this short post. Remember these words and visualize me looking you square in the eye and saying...

"Choose STRENGTH."

Hope this helps. If you got value can you join THE FIT LIFE COMMUNITY on Facebook then INVITE YOUR friends. This action helps to grow our community and the positive influence that we can have on the world.

Together we can choose strength and change the world. Are you with me?

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